If you’re going to be at Truckload 2020, hosted by the TCA down in Orlando, you won’t want to miss Beth’s session. All the details are below, as well as links to register and get further details. Can’t wait to see you there!
Using Incentive Compensation to Drive Growth and Balance Risk and Reward
March 2nd at 12:45pm EST Learn More Here
Incentive compensation (variable pay) is common for sales reps and drivers, but many do not realize that it can be effectively used for other roles as well. This session will provide a basic understanding of the different types of incentive plans (commissions, goal-based bonuses, bounties, etc.) and the different considerations when setting up or changing your incentive plan, including what to consider when determining the pay mix and a variety of ways salary can be used in conjunction with incentive pay. One size does not fit all, and it’s important to understand the impact of your decisions when making changes to what is probably one of your biggest budgetary line items.